Here’s a guide to achieving financial independence as a chiropractor, inspired by the principles of Chiro Freedom Producers:

10 Wrong Ways to Build Wealth as a Chiropractor:

  1. Get involved in petty issues of any kind: Avoid office politics and focus on patient care and practice growth.

  2. Endure aspects of your practice you dislike instead of changing them: Identify and address inefficiencies or dissatisfaction in your practice.

  3. Cheat patients, staff, insurance companies, or the IRS: Maintain ethical standards to build trust and a solid reputation.

  4. Blame the economy, the government, groups, or individuals for your problems: Take proactive steps to adapt to external changes.

  5. Live beyond your means: Manage your finances wisely to ensure long-term stability.

  6. Work with people who bring you down: Build a team that shares your vision and values.

  7. Try to ruin competitors: Focus on differentiating your practice through quality care and service.

  8. Avoid challenges, ignore problems, refuse to improve: Embrace continuous improvement in techniques and patient care.

  9. Follow the crowd; never stand out: Develop a unique brand and service offering that sets your practice apart.

  10. Criticize yourself: Practice self-compassion and focus on constructive self-improvement.

10 Right Ways to Build Wealth as a Chiropractor:

  1. Focus on your practice goals; envision your ideal practice and lifestyle: Set clear objectives for patient care, practice growth, and personal well-being.

  2. Invest in yourself, your practice, and your staff in ways that boost productivity: Attend workshops, upgrade equipment, and train staff to enhance service quality.

  3. Confront and do what you know you need to do; make no excuses: Address issues head-on, whether they are financial, operational, or personal.

  4. Delegate as much as possible to as many people as possible: Empower your team to handle administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on patient care.

  5. Learn new lessons from each of your failures, mistakes, and losses: Use feedback and setbacks as opportunities to refine your practice.

  6. Surround yourself with experts, such as accountants, investment advisors, lawyers, and consultants: Seek professional advice to optimize your business operations and financial planning.

  7. Make your practice as enjoyable as possible for everyone involved: Create a welcoming environment for patients and a positive workplace for staff.

  8. Accept personal responsibility for everything going on in your life, including the good, the bad, and the ugly: Own your successes and challenges to drive personal and professional growth.

  9. Generate fresh passion on a daily basis: Stay motivated by focusing on the positive impact you have on your patients' lives.

  10. Seize opportunities when they appear; you will profit from them if you are doing all the above: Be open to new treatments, technologies, and business models that can enhance your practice.

Self-Analysis for Chiropractors

To evaluate your current path towards financial independence, consider the following:

  • Check all that apply to you in the present time.

  • Add one point for each "Right Way" checked and subtract one point for each "Wrong Way" checked.


  • 5 or more points: You are on your way to financial independence.

  • 0-4 points: You have significant, but untapped wealth potential.

  • Below 0: Your income is stagnant and your free time is rare. Major changes are needed.

By eliminating the "Wrong Ways" and incorporating the "Right Ways," you can achieve the wealth, freedom, and joy you deserve as a chiropractor. Focus on continuous improvement, patient satisfaction, and strategic planning to reach your financial goals.


Creating a strong, positive relationship with your patients is essential for building a successful chiropractic practice.